We are all a lucky bunch. Privileged to be part of a big family of people that like getting out of the house and increasing the heart rate a bit while we enjoy the “great outdoors”. The biggest blessing is the friends and family with whom we get to share our passion. We get it, we really do, so it’s not about giving back per se, but really, it’s about doing what we should be doing.
Maybe it’s just semantics, but “giving back” almost implies we had something, then we didn’t. Sharing and Korima seems the better term, because for sure every opportunity we have to share always gives us so much more in return than we contribute monetarily. Come watch a few young runners cross a finish line and then be handed a backpack, a t-shirt and maybe the first piece of a birthday style cake they have ever had and you’ll know what we mean – try peeling that smile across our hearts off.
As we have shared, we want to ‘do it right’ every way we can. That means we are committed to working with communities, small businesses, individual farmers and supporting indigenous peoples and cultures in every way we can. It means paying a fair wage PLUS for the ingredients we source. It also means sharing what we receive as well. Helping support an environment where the children and the peoples of indigenous communities we work with can have a life of choices and not dictations. Our sharing is focused on child athletics (international and domestic) and all the benefits that entails. We also are crazy about causes that take care of our four leg athlete friends.
Mas Korima donates (offers Korima / Shares) 50% of our profits to True Messages a US based 501c3 nonprofit inspired to continue and grow the projects and Messages started by our friend Micah True on behalf of the Raramuri peoples and athletes of the Sierra Tarahumara.