A tribute to Running Women

A tribute to Running Women
The runningverse is filled with amazing stories of people discovering a whole new world of health, elation and adventure. It brims with joy, excitement and positivism. But it also brings about a great, wonderful paradigm which we think the world needs. True equality. Join any running venture and you will...

Mas Korima supports the Ultra Caballo Blanco

Mas Korima supports the Ultra Caballo Blanco
Full Announcement Here Mas Korima to again support the Ultra Maratòn Caballo Blanco events. January 23rd, 2017 Scottsdale, Arizona / Urique, CHIH – Mas Korima announces sponsorship and support for the Ultra Maratòn Caballo Blanco 2017 and the Los Caballitos Run. “We are excited to once again journey down to the...


You know her from our packaging and our merchandise, but did you know her story?  Her name is Rarabella. “Rara”, from Raramuri, the real name of our friends’ community and what they call themselves (as opposed to Tarahumara).  “Bella”, from Spanish, because she’s beautiful, strong, healthy, and happily running. As...

We are Mas Korima.

We are Mas Korima.
It started years ago when our friend Micah created a connection with the Raramuri people (known to the outside world as the Tarahumara) and with a large community of good-willed runners we met, bonded, and became family, in the magnificent Copper Canyons of Mexico. Micah left the world in 2012,...